
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Electric Power Industry"
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 7, 2018 No. 357. «On determination of single purchaser»
Order “On approval of the Rules for the organization and functioning of the electric power market”
Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2015 No. 465 “On approval of maximum tariffs for the service of maintaining the readiness of electrical capacity”
Order “On approval of the Rules for calculating and posting on the Internet resource by a single purchaser the price for the service to ensure the readiness of electrical power to bear the load”
Order “On approval of the Rules for organizing and conducting auctions for the construction of newly commissioned generating plants with a maneuverable generation mode”
Order "On approval of the Rules of admission for consideration, consideration and selection of investment programs for modernization, expansion, reconstruction and (or) renovation , conclusion of investment agreements for modernization, expansion, reconstruction and (or) renovation, the corresponding conclusion of agreements for the purchase of services to maintain the availability of electrical capacity and the establishment of individual tariffs for these agreements for the service to maintain the availability of electrical capacity, the volume and timing of the purchase of the service for maintaining the availability of electric power"
Order “On approval of the Rules for determining the scope of services for maintaining the readiness of electric power for contracts for the purchase of services for maintaining the readiness of electric power, concluded by a single purchaser with existing energy-producing organizations, which include thermal power plants”
Order “On approval of the Standard Agreement for the provision of services to ensure the readiness of electrical power to bear the load”
Order “On approval of the Standard Agreement for the purchase of services for maintaining the readiness of electrical power”
Order "On approval of the Rules for certification of electrical capacity of generating installations"
Order "On approval of the Rules for the functioning of the Market Council"