The partnership values its reputation and strives to ensure that its employees, partners and counterparties comply with the principle of integrity and transparency in their work, ensure the legality and fairness of their decisions.

If you are faced with violations of the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as with the facts of the manifestation of corruption and offenses that create conditions for corruption in the activities of the Partnership, as well as with information about alleged corruption violations, violations of the requirements of internal regulatory documents on anti-corruption issues, you can report this through the following communication channels by contacting:

Anti-Corruption Compliance Service of the Partnership

  • By emailing to:
  • or to the postal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Z00T2D0, Astana, Almaty district, pr. Tauyelsіzdіk, building 59, Compliance Officer of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service.

In accordance with the anti-corruption policy of the Partnership, employees and other interested parties are given the opportunity to confidentially or anonymously express existing reasonable suspicions of committed or planned violations by officials, employees of the Partnership or against officials, employees of the Partnership.

The partnership ensures confidentiality and protection against prosecution of the applicant, as well as objective consideration of all messages in accordance with the established procedure.

Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-Corruption Service)

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption," a person who reports the fact of a corruption offense or otherwise assists (rendered) in combating corruption is protected by the State and is encouraged in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the Rules for the promotion of persons who reported the fact of a corruption offense or otherwise assist in combating corruption, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2015 No. 1131, remuneration may be paid for the information provided depending on the severity of the offense in the amount of 30 to 4000 MCI, except for persons who:

1) cooperate on a confidential basis with the body carrying out operational-search or counterintelligence activities, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) reported the fact of a corruption offense or assisted in the identification, suppression, disclosure and investigation of a corruption offense in which the person was the executor or accomplice.

These guarantees do not apply to persons who reported knowingly false information about the fact of a corruption offense, who are liable established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Article 439 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for administrative responsibility for reporting to the anti-corruption body knowingly false information about the fact of a corruption offense, in the form of a warning or a fine on individuals in the amount of 20 MCI.

Part three of Article 419 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation of a corruption crime in the form of imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.